Learn more about backpack dredges below.īackpack dredges contain all the equipment necessary to dredge for gold in streams, ponds, and lakes. The most reasonable course appears to be completion of secondary sewage treatment plants in New York City and major upgrading of primary treatment in New Jersey.Did you know that you don’t even have to purchase an expensive claim to mine for gold? A backpack dredge gives users access to gold-bearing streams on public lands, which there are many in the US and Canada. The behavior of phosphate and trace metals derived from sewage was examined on the basis of field data and the use of simple models to examine management alternatives. Radon-222, a natural radioactive gas dissolved in the Hudson, is supplied primarily from the sediments at approximately twice the rate predicted by molecular diffusion. A new enzymatic technique was developed to trace the distribution of cellulose, a significant component of sewage sludge, in coastal sediments. Radiocarbon measurements indicate the predominant source of organic carbon in New York harbor sediments is recent sewage and not petroleum hydrocarbon contamination. Mobilization of Cd and Ni in the sediments of a small embayment of the Hudson with very high contamination levels appears to be primarily by resuspension of fine particles, although elevated concentrations of Cd in pore waters were also observed.

Anthropogenic increases of 3-6 times natural levels of Zn, Cu, and Pb were found for Hudson sediments.

Many reactive pollutants, such as Zn, Cu, Pb, Cs-137, Pu-239, 240 and PCB's appear to be transported and accumulated together in association with fine-grained particles in the Hudson River estuary.